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Modern Italianish Restaurant in Daajing Giids, [South] Haida Gwaii



1: to bring together :  COLLECT - to  gather  a crowd; to gather  firewood

2PICKHARVEST to gather  flowers (or ideas)


it’s just the beginning

Our family relocated to Daajing Giids, South Haida Gwaii in the winter of 2019. We were so lucky to land in Mike & Kim’s JuneBug Home, not originally with the intention of opening a business but more-so because we needed a home.

Sharing food with the community became an obvious next calling, as our new home came with the space in which to do it!  The first offering was monthly community dinners.  There is a little magic when the long table is set up; the dining room starts to buzz  and the food inspires conversation with new and practiced connections. The irony of developing a space called [Gather] in the midst of an emerging global pandemic made for an interesting beginning…

In each menu, we strive to incorporate what’s meant to be here with simplicity and care. We gladly provide menus that are inclusive of specified dietary choices/restrictions…just ask!